We have always placed a huge importance on maintaining the highest levels of Health and Safety with strict policies and robust procedures in place to protect our workforce, our customers and anyone that happens to cross our paths, be it in an office environment or whilst out on site.
05/01/21 - Following on from the latest information provided by the Government in regards to the continuation of the manufacturing industry, we are remaining open for business as usual.
Now more than ever when we look towards the ‘new normal’ we have adapted our processes to ensure that we can deliver the same exceptionally high standard of quality and service to our customers, whilst placing the utmost importance on how we maintain safety and mitigate or reduce the risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19.
Milbank Group Health, Safety & Environment Manager Steve Carpenter said, “We are constantly reviewing the information provided by the Government and the CLC and updating our processes accordingly. We have made significant changes across the Group to allow us to push forward, ensuring we can meet customer demand whilst maintaining high levels of H&S as a priority”.
Significant changes have been made across the Group to safeguard our workforce and customers including;
▪ All employees returning to work are required to complete a COVID safe induction where strict guidelines are in place to maximise safety and reduce any potential risk.
▪ Offices have been restructured to ensure that all employees are sat at a minimum of 2m apart with desks facing away from each other where possible.
▪ Offices are deep cleaned by a specialist team every evening, with a focus on touchpoints such as doors and desks being worked on.
▪ Where possible, staff are still encouraged to minimise time within the office if working from home is an option. Face-to-face meetings have been restricted and replaced with virtual/telephone alternatives if applicable.
▪ Working with our employees, we have devised a safe system of work to ensure that social distancing guidelines are met throughout both of our factory facilities and whilst still maintaining productivity.
▪ Welfare and lunch areas have been segregated and limited to ensure staff can break from work with no risk of virus contraction.
▪ A one-way system has been devised to safeguard employees in “pinch point” areas, helping to maintain the 2m social distancing rules as laid out by the Government.
▪ Daily monitoring is being carried out to maintain the new working processes, along with weekly briefings held with production staff to re-enforce the new processes
▪ We have consulted with all site operatives able to return to ensure all are comfortable with the measures put in place for travel to work, minimising numbers in vans, introducing separating screens and providing antibacterial wipes and sprays alongside hand sanitisers.
▪ Returning site teams have been provided guidance in the form of a COVID-19 specific appendix which has been incorporated into our existing site-specific RAMS pack, highlighting the latest instructions from the Government and CLC in regards to safe working procedures on site.
▪ Ensuring as far as operationally practical, the same individuals will be in the same teams each day, to reduce contact with others.
▪ Operatives are encouraged to raise any concerns they are faced with as they attend different sites on a daily basis.