Keeping their cool on the market floor is essential to brokers; that’s why Vistech Cooling systems called in the specialist services of Sui Generis to fibreglass line three cooling towers on the top of the impressive Lloyd’s of London building.
Lloyd’s of London is the world’s leading insurance market providing specialist insurance services to businesses in over 200 countries. The company employs thousands of staff at their London headquarters, and needed to keep their air-conditioning system performing to optimum levels.
Sui Generis started by grit blasting the cooling towers’ internal surfaces to prepare the structures for fibreglass lining. This task alone was no mean feat: 160 metres of hose had to be pulled up the side of the building before the grit blasting could begin. The surface preparation work was completed at weekends to ensure nobody working at Lloyd’s would be disturbed.
Once the surface had been suitably prepared the Sui Generis Fibreglass lining was applied, each of the three towers were upgraded separately to ensure the building was fully air-conditioned at all times. In total an area of 310 square meters of fibreglass lining was applied ensuring the internal surfaces of the towers will be in good condition for many years to come.
Internal cooling pack platforms were also replaced with Sui Generis Fibreglass grating to complete the long term upgrades.
The Director, at Vistech Cooling Systems was impressed. He says:
“Sui Generis was very responsive and completed all tasks on time. It is essential to trust a sub-contractor as they need to fit in around our schedule. Sui Generis did everything we asked of them and we would definitely work with them again.”
If you require further information then please visit our cooling tower lining section.
In addition to our cooling tower linings range, Sui Generis are specialists at fibreglass linings, fibreglass mouldings, anti-slip flooring, spill containment, fibreglass grating and surface preparation.